The benefits of going to Disneyland every week


We have annual passes to Disneyland this year because a very generous family gave them to us as a gift!  So we decided to go every week.  One day a week (usually Wednesday) we take a break from schooling, emails, phone calls, appointments, and sports to be together at what is known as the happiest place on earth.  It’s been such a blessing to me.  Here’s a few of the benefits I have come to appreciate.

  1. For a homeschool mom, who is their teacher 40 hours a week, it is nice to spend some time playing.  I work weekends and there is sports and other activities that seem to fill up our afternoons.  This has been wonderful for us to have a mid week break from school where we can just enjoy each other.
  2. Break from technology–I am referring mostly to me.  When I am at Disneyland I just want to be with the children.  At home I find myself in between subjects, during snack break checking FB and emails…it’s nice to just be with the kids.  I will still take a picture here and there and post them online but that’s just it…I do not linger.
  3. Siblings are bonding riding together and sharing favorites and simply having to stick together and watch out for one another so we don’t leave someone behind.
  4. We listen to classic literature for 2 hours on the way there in the car.
  5. On the way home my oldest son likes to talk to me and I have found this to be the BIGGEST BLESSING!  Uninterrupted time for him to tell me anything he wants while the other kids sleep.
  6. Practice in social settings using our manners (holding gates/doors, letting smaller children go first, not fussing, riding rides that might be too young but having fun, waiting while certain people go on rollercoasters).
  7. Practice self control.  With all the yummy smelling foods at Disneyland we would break the bank if we did not exercise some self control.  We bring all of our food to keep the cost of going  regularly affordable.

I will say that much of this you could do without buying Disneyland Annual passes.  We would love to get a lifetime membership but its not in the budget.  We plan to continue field trips to far away fun places within driving distance weekly when our passes expire.

I will post my favorite Disneyland memories in another post.  I just wanted to remember here why I love going regularly!

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